Vice President Biden at the StartUp Health Festival

StartUp Health
StartUp Health
Published in
2 min readJan 10, 2017


It was an honor to have Vice President Joe Biden join us at the 2017 StartUp Health Festival to share his inspiring message and progress on the Moonshot to End Cancer.

There’s an urgent need to continue this momentum, that’s why I came to you, I really do mean this. This is too deadly important.”

“Y’all don’t always play well together in the sandbox. Don’t let the old system hinder your intellectual capacity, your dreams and hope and the ability you all possess, you have to change the system.”

“There are over 200 distinct cancers. The urgency is NOW.”

In speaking directly to the entrepreneurs and innovators in the room, “ I guarantee you that I will spend the rest of my life doing that, but I’m going to need your help.”

Photo Credit: Monica Semergiu



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