StartUp Health Welcomes 10 New Companies to World’s Largest Digital Health Portfolio

StartUp Health’s rapidly expanding global network welcomes new companies from China, Latin America, and throughout the United States.

StartUp Health
StartUp Health


One thing that we’ve learned at StartUp Health is that our mission — to radically improve the health and wellbeing of everyone in the world — knows no national boundaries and will never be accomplished by a single entity. To that end, we’re excited to announce ten new companies that have joined our portfolio, bringing our global community to 235 startups from 20 countries. That’s over 400 entrepreneurs (one-third of whom are female founders) working in more than 80 cities around the world to achieve health moonshots together.

Meet StartUp Health’s newest companies, including our first company working to improve health in China.

Moonshot: Access to Care, Cost to Zero

Susannah Bailin and Nan Xiao, founders of AdviceCoach, are on a mission to eliminate every patient’s fear that they won’t recover. AdviceCoach’s app allows physical therapists and nutritionists to deliver custom curricula of video, images, and text to patients — accessible by a click on the phone — to reduce any questions or confusion about their treatment plan.

Moonshot: Nutrition & Fitness

Michael DiChiappari, founder of FitTrace, is giving athletes the tools and analytics needed to better understand their bodies. For both individual athletes and athletic teams that need to make body composition analyses actionable, FitTrace provides advanced body composition insights and crowdsourced analytics to take advantage of the big data provided to them through the network effect of FitTrace. With this actionable data, they are better able to optimize body composition for peak performance, improve injury recovery, and track progress over time.

Lucid Act
Moonshot: Access to Care, Cost to Zero

Grace Chen and Cheong Ang, founders of LucidAct, are on a mission to empower every care team to be heroes. LucidAct has built a virtual team assistant that uses machine learning and AI to collect relevant clinical information and integrate it with patient logistics to optimize workflow and help provide smart, data-driven decision support for every team member. Currently, Lucid Act has 30K patients on their platform and are working with partners like UCSF and Delaware Sleep Disorder Centers.

Moonshot: Nutrition & Fitness

Bentley Adams, founder of Mealshare, is on a mission to cut the obesity epidemic in half through healthy eating. By creating a shared ecosystem and shared economy, with dietitians at the center, Mealshare provides a communication and engagement tool that acts as a catalyst for dietitians to grow their own practice. The simplicity of the app has prompted 10x higher engagement than other platforms and allows dietitians to better monitor their clients’ food habits.

Moonshot: Access to Care
*StartUp Health’s first company based in China

Sheena Liu, MD, PhD, founder of Medebound, is on a mission to ensure medical care can transcend borders. For Chinese patients who are diagnosed with devastating conditions, Medebound is a bilingual telehealth platform that helps them access 52,000 of the best medical specialists in the United States. Medebound has partnered with three of the largest insurers in China, which are 100% reimbursing Medebound’s services to their VIP client base.

Omnia Salud
Moonshot: Access to Care, Cost to Zero

Matias Spanier, founder of Omnia Salud, is on a mission to digitize all healthcare operations in Latin America. Omnia Salud is the only physician-centric platform for electronic health records, scheduling, and billing with specialty workflows such as mental health, assisted fertility, and gastroenterology. It is currently being used by some of the largest healthcare systems throughout the region, like Swiss Medical Group and Galeno (second and third largest private healthcare providers in Argentina).

Path Surgery
Moonshot: Access to Care, Cost to Zero

Robert Rantapere and Antti Mauno, founders of Path Surgery, are making affordable, stress-free overseas treatment a reality. Path Surgery’s Patient Path is an all-inclusive medical tourism package that provides an overseas healthcare option in Finland, one of the most efficient healthcare systems in the world. Path Surgery organizes every step of the process, from pre-procedure all the way through recovery, both clinically and non-clinically, by combining existing healthcare solutions together.

Moonshot: Access to Care, Mental Health & Happiness

Jib Martens, Arthur Keller, PhD, and David Haddick, founders of PSYCHeANALYTICS, are harnessing the reach of primary care to cure the crisis in behavioral health by collecting structured data for analysis and reporting to assess patients on a range of important behavioral health conditions. The company has built a platform that provides decision support to physicians at the point of care. While driving revenue up, the core technology enhances precision medicine, reduces chronic conditions, and triages patients into the most effective treatments available through their clinic.

Salubris Analytics
Moonshot: Access to Care, Mental Health & Happiness, Nutrition & Fitness

Christine Hsieh, founder of Salubris Analytics, is restoring a patient-first approach to care. Vivi, Salubris Analytics’ mobile health behavioral app, utilizes behavioral psychology and comprehensive game design to provide adaptive, personal coaching to build critical skills. Through a customizable platform, organizations can tailor each coaching program to provide its patients with condition-specific guidance and emotional support.

Sanguine Biosciences
Moonshot: Cure Disease

Gerald Lee and Brian Neman, founders of Sanguine Biosciences, are putting patients in charge of their health data to accelerate medical research and make precision medicine the standard of care. Sanguine’s data-integrated patient communities are comprised of individuals from patient advocacy platforms, physician referrals, and social media in order to accelerate the R&D process, while putting patients in control of their data. They are currently working with Pfizer and 20 of the top 40 pharmaceutical companies, and are seeing an overall 15% reduction in total clinical trial time.

To learn more or connect with any of the companies in StartUp Health Moonshot Academy, send us an email to, leave a question in the comments below, or reach out to us on Twitter at @StartUpHealth.



StartUp Health is investing in a global army of Health Transformers to improve the health and wellbeing of everyone in the world.